Request Automation
Eliminate Paperwork

- Automates Employee Vacation Requests
- Web-Based Technology
- Easy to use Interface
- Email Notification to Supervisor
SchedTrak®, an automated benefit scheduling and de-scheduling system, empowers employees to enter and review benefit requests and statuses. SchedTrak® eliminates paper requests and circulation of vacation sheets, frees supervisors to do more important work, and provides unbiased application of corporate policies. With SchedTrak®, Benefit Request Reports and Benefit Approval Reports can be generated in minutes for review. Supervisors, with granted rights, can quickly override system settings and approve requests. Denied Benefit Reports and Evaluation Override Reports, in addition to many others, provide administrators with quick oversight of system activities.
Empower Your Employees
Employees have access to on-screen graphical scheduling at dedicated employee kiosks, or any workstation with access to the server on which TimeTrak resides. Employees may make requests to take benefit time such as vacation and comp time, review the status of requests pending, view current available hours and uncommitted hours (available less committed), and leave denied requests on hold pending a change in another employee's schedule. SchedTrak® even permits employees to sell off benefit time.
Eliminate Paperwork While Maintaining Critical Staffing Levels
SchedTrak® provides parametrized setup flexibility without customization. Structure automated evaluations and granting of benefit time requests to consider available/uncommitted time, and seniority among other items. Supervisors can designate minimum staffing levels by department, cost center, job, and many other criterias for SchedTrak® to consider in granting or denying requests. Vacation bumping becomes an automated process, eliminating the continual manual restructuring of vacation schedules. In assessing available/uncommitted hours, SchedTrak® takes the current balance in the Benefit Accrual Table and subtracts hours of that type Pay Code/Benefit Type from other areas in TimeTrak not yet reflected in the balance. This yields an accurate gauge of benefit hours available; avoiding, for example, the possibility of SchedTrak® approving a request for vacation hours this week that are already designated, by employee request, for a week long vacation just two weeks from now.
Fair, Consistent & Timely Application of Your Benefit Policies
SchedTrak® evaluates some requests daily, holds other employee requests until a set date, and permits supervisors to manually start an evaluation process. 24 hours a day / 365 days a year SchedTrak® constantly monitors information and automatically evaluates requests according to your corporate policies. Each decision is detailed and stored for later review. Employee requests are never left unresponded to; SchedTrak® handles them on a timely basis. Supervisors and potential biases are removed from the process, and all employees are treated fairly and consistently within your corporate policy - ensuring improved employee morale.
Cost Effective Automation, Not Available Until Now
Passing, completion, collection, and processing of employee vacation time sheets/requests consumes considerable supervisor time and energy, and yet often leaves employees disappointed and departments understaffed. It has been nearly impossible to effectively coordinate vacation scheduling in a manual method. SchedTrak® now permits you to fully utilize your system time and attendance information; while reducing dependence on supervisors, getting the job done sooner and according to corporate policies.